sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

Hecho na China

Check my friend's art work out, amazing stuff

go for it http://hechonachina.blogspot.com/

scroll down for english

Pela primeira vez o projeto hechonachina executou uma obra encomendada. E quem conhece a Luciana Baptista (respnsável pela encomenda) pode imaginar quais os seus toques no resultado final. Por outro lado uma coisa ou outra foram incorporadas por conta própria.
No fim o móvel foi restaurado e ganhou uma nova pintura em dois tons, junto com a tradicional ilustração a nanquim.
Espero que goste lu.

For the first time, the "hechonachina" project made a custom furniture. Who knows Luciana Baptista (she's the customer) could imagine what is her touch on final results. Nevertheless, my personal touch was incorporate too.
And so, the furniture was restored and won a new painting on two colours and the traditional china ink ilustration.
Hope you like, Lu.

Scroll down for English

Hoje temos a bomba atômica, mas na primeira guerra a arma de destruição em massa era nosso querido Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, astuto piloto que travava batalhas aereas em seu triplano. Para nós vulgo barao vermelho, este que tambem foi um dos personagens prediletos na corrida maluca e na decada de 80 a ousada banda de rock.
O porque deste breve relato sobre o sr Richthofen se da pelo fato desta cadeira possuir a pintura de uma das aeronaves pilotada por ele.
O cabide se somou a cadeira, que depois de desmontada e remontada sofreu uma desconstrução bem notavel. No final sua nova forma ficou semelhante a um avião, pelo menos no meu ponto de vista, e a tinta vermelha que escolhi me direcionou a pintura tematica do fokker dr I usado na primeira guerra.
A historia é a de sempre, a cadeira em laca branca e vermelha e os detalhes a nanquim

Today we have the atômic bomb, but in the first war the weapon of mass destruction was Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen, a famous pilot of german air force.
Known as "der rote Kampfflieger" or red baron in english, he would be made a personage of a Wacky Races years later.
The purpose of this history is becouse this chair was paintin with the colours of the Richthofen's plane, the famous fokker dr 1.
We have a big deconstruction in the forms of the chair, giving a other design completely diferent of the original.
This chair was painted with white and red automotive paint and china ink illustrations.

Groove James @ Ocidente Bar

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2011

O caminhao do peixe / The fish truck

If you feel like having some fresh sushi in your house, just call these guys. I believe they can help.....

Taro Soul - Soul Spits

TARO SOUL is a Japanese Singer/Rapper. He is a better rapper than he is a singer. His singing isn't the best but it adds something to his music. This is the only Cd I bought in Japan, it was cheap and I knew a few of his songs, so why not?
Now his music is j-pop than J-hop, so, if you're more into underground stuff, you should download this album.

Download Here

Taro Soul - SOUL SPITS」
››› artist (s) TARO SAUL
››› release date 2006.06.03
››› language JAPANESE
››› genre HIP-HOP, R&B

003俺と上野 feat. サイプレス上野
004ME & MY MIC
007SO WHAT? Feat. GOUKI, ダースレイダー
011ラディダディ feat. 太華
012PAIN feat. 太華、タカツキ、CHI3 CHEE、ALI-KICK
013現場でSEE YA!